Tuesday, May 27, 2008

A Word from Stone Bridge Press

From the Publisher

Japanese Yoga: The Way of Dynamic Meditation is part of Stone Bridge Press's MICHI: JAPANESE ARTS AND WAYS series. From chado—"the Way of tea"—to budo—"the martial Way"—Japan has succeeded in spiritualizing a number of classical arts. The names of these skills often end in Do, also pronounced Michi, meaning the "Way." By studying a Way in detail, we discover vital principles that transcend the art and relate more broadly to the art of living itself. Featuring the work of H. E. Davey and other select authors, books in the series MICHI: JAPANESE ARTS AND WAYS focus on these Do forms. They are about discipline and spirituality, about moving from the particular to the universal . . . to benefit people of any culture.
You can visit Stone Bridge Press at http://www.stonebridge.com/.